2010年1月28日 星期四

My First Squidoo Lens!

I have finally published my first Squidoo lens entitled: Clear Your Limiting Beliefs!

While I still need to go back to improve it and add more useful resources to it, I am so excited that I have finally made it!

And Squidoo is not as hard or tricky as I thought it would be. In fact, it is fun to play with.

You are welcome to view it here:

2010年1月7日 星期四

Manifesting Desires - My Proven Method

Do you have troubles manifesting your desires? I would like to share with you my method of manifesting desires that has been proven to work.

Like many of you, I have read The Secret. I had tried to apply the Law of Attraction to manifest my desires. Yet, like many of you, I had not seen the results that I wanted.

However, I am forever grateful for The Secret because it has opened doors and led me to a journey to search for methods to make the Law of Attraction work for me.

I have tried many methods including visualization, saying positive affirmations, meditation, emotional freedom technique, etc. Yet I found it difficult to persist practicing them. Now I know that these methods are useful, it was just that there were resistance within me.

My Method:

After many trials, I found The Method that worked for me! I came across a method that required you to write a script of the life you wanted to live.

I found the method very interesting so I was motivated to try it.

I wrote in particular details about the life that I want. I described the specifics about practically every aspects of my life that I want to change. They include:

* my physical appearance,
* my status of health,
* my attitude and emotional status,
* my relationships with my family, friends, and co-workers,
* health and emotional status of my family members
* my finances,
* my career
* my personal growth

I wrote them on a piece of paper and then put it in my wallet. This process serves to strengthen my faith and also asks my subconscious mind's help to start manifesting.

I would then take the paper out and read it everyday or whenever I feel like. After a while, I would just recite it without looking at the paper.

Within two months, I started to see changes and things were happening in the direction that matched the description of my script. I know that the method works because before applying it, my life had remained static for almost four years!

If you are interested in this method, you could use your imagination and write details that you want manifested, whether they already exist or not. Remember, manifestation is creation and you are the creator of your life.

Four Keys Leading To Success

During the process of practice, I have concluded that there are four crucial factors that will determine your success when applying a particular method to manifest your desires.

1. Recognize that the power to manifest lies within YOU

Because you can only be, do, and have whatever you THINK you can, so it is absolutely important that you elevate your THOUGHTS to the highest level. That is, know that YOU have the power to be, do, and have what you desire. Without recognizing this truth, you will have doubts or limiting beliefs that work against you when you apply whatever method you choose.

2. Ask for help from a Higher Power or someone you trust

When you feel frustrated during the process of manifesting your desires, it is extremely important to seek help. It could be from your Higher Power, your God, your Inner Self, or even your mentor, your coach, etc. By asking for help, you are sending a message to the Universe and you WILL get a response.

3. Consciously clear your limiting beliefs

As a rule of thumb, when you have a negative feeling or emotion, there is a limiting thought or belief that you have to clear. An easy way to clear limiting beliefs (both conscious and subconscious) is to practice the method mentioned in the book Zero Limits. All you have to do is say to your Inner Self: "I am sorry", "Please forgive me", "Thank you" and "I love you".

You will become more focused and calm. This will enhance the result of the manifesting process.

4. Immerse yourself in the feelings of gratitude

Gratitude has the highest vibration among all energies. The Law of Attraction in essence says that energies attract like energies. If you focus your attention on feeling gratitude and things that you are grateful of, you will attract the things that you want to manifest.

When you have the above fundamental and crucial conditions fulfilled, with whatever method you choose, you will have the most wonderful experience of manifesting your desires!

Janus Ng is the owner of http://www.clearlimitingbeliefs.com which provides comprehensive information and resources about clearing limiting beliefs, manifestation, mind body healing, and other techniques that help improve your life.

If you are interested in this article, please read more about manifesting here.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Janus_Ng

2010年1月6日 星期三

Ending Limiting Beliefs - Writing A New Belief Code

by Sabrina Kinckle

Your beliefs are the blueprint for your life. What you believe determines how you experience the world. Whatever you believe is true for you. If you believe that world is unfair to you and you will never succeed, that is exactly how your life will be. Likewise, if you believe that you are strong, worthy, empowered and able to conquer the world, your experiences will mirror these beliefs.

The wonderful news is that beliefs are nothing more than thoughts that have been repeated over time. You can change your beliefs, particularly if the beliefs are no longer serving you. Below are sample new belief codes and exercises for you to incorporate into your daily living!

NEW BELIEF CODE: "I am empowered and can accomplish anything."

This belief is a very important part of manifesting your desires. As someone who is empowered, you are able to make the best decisions for yourself. You have the power to take the world by storm, if you desire.

Sometimes, negative experiences can make us feel less empowered. When people hurt us, it can be especially challenging to trust future interactions. Depending on the nature of the past experiences, we may also find ourselves feeling fearful or unsafe.


Sit in a comfortable chair or lie in the bed unless you’re likely to fall asleep. Close your eyes and completely relax your entire body. Tighten every muscle in your body and hold it for three seconds before releasing. See yourself walking onto a stage in a crowded auditorium. As you walk to the middle of the stage, the audience stands and applauds. You feel as though they are filled with admiration as they view this amazing person who has accomplished and survived so much in this lifetime. You feel intense joy and pride. You thank yourself for all you have accomplished and you feel safe, empowered and worthy. Hold on to this image for as long as you would like. Bask in the emotion that you feel. Try to make this
experience feel as real as you possibly can. Remember, affirmations and visualizations are imbued by deep emotion.

NEW BELIEF CODE: "I am attractive."

All of us are beautiful, regardless of what society deems attractive. You may be asking yourself why this particular belief is an important part of manifesting what you want. Studies have shown that people who believe they are attractive tend to have a higher self-image and, as a result, are more likely to reach for the stars where their goals and dreams are concerned.

Often, our beliefs about our physical attributes will determine how we feel about ourselves overall. Sadly, many of us believe that our physical attributes are our only currency. It is important for you to believe that you have countless positive aspects. You are worthy of every wonderful experience life has to offer. You are attractive, inside and out.


Whenever you look in the mirror, smile at yourself as if you are greeting a friend or relative. Look into your own eyes and say, “I am beautiful.” Find the parts of your face and body that you love the most and spend time appreciating them in the mirror. Then, find those areas that make you feel ill at ease and bless them. If you think you have “fat thighs,” bless your thighs and say, “you are beautiful just as you are.”

NEW BELIEF CODE: "Money comes to me easily and effortlessly."

For many people, limiting beliefs about money are the most challenging to overcome. So what are some examples of limiting beliefs about finances?

"Having large amounts of money takes years and hard work." If you have this belief, then it will take you a lot of pain, suffering and time to make a substantial amount of money.

"I am undeserving of wealth and abundance." It is amazing how many people unknowingly hold this belief. When I've met with clients, I always start by asking, "Do you believe you are deserving of success?" I would say 85% say that they do. However, after digging deeper, many are shocked to discover that they do have subconscious beliefs about being unworthy of success.

"Having excess wealth is wrong because there are those who have nothing." Any guilt associated with having money will make it difficult for you to attract more of it. It is important to know that there is an unlimited supply of abundance for everyone. Having less will not make it easier for those who are struggling. As a matter of fact, your ability to help those who are struggling may even increase if your financial situation is closer to where you need or want it to be!


Burn some pine or money incense and a lavender candle. While feeling completely relaxed, write a list of any goals you have related to your finances. Then, visualize the perfect circumstances for your goals to come to fruition. Feel as though you have reached your goal and bask in the happiness of it.

Remember, you are worthy of having what you want. This wonderful world that we live in provides so many opportunities for success, both personal and monetary successes. Your ability to remember this fact will help you attract the abundance and prosperity you seek.

Author's Bio
Sabrina Kinckle is the lead host of "Master Your Universe" - http://tinyurl.com/kinckle on the popular Law of Attraction Radio Network. The show focuses on providing techniques and exercises that will help you create what you want in your life. The first step is to dismantle limiting beliefs that often block the prosperity, good health and joy we seek. Tune in to learn more about how you can reprogram your mind to eliminate limiting beliefs and begin creating a personal reality that will add to your life and the lives of others. Also tune in to hear great guests, such as Lisa Nichols, Gay Hendricks, Meera Lester, Yvonne Oswald and more! To be a guest, please contact Sabrina at info@creatingyourtransformation.com.

Sabrina has worked in the realm of metaphysics for over fifteen years and is a master level Reiki healer. As a motivational author, coach, and lecturer, she is a contributing writer for several print and online magazines. Her mission is to provide individuals and businesses with the tools necessary to create a more meaningful, just and sustainable world. She works with clients on issues such as work/life balance, stress reduction, relationships, body image, and spiritual development.

Sabrina is the President of Creating Your Transformation, an organization that focuses on teaching others to believe in their power to create the life they want. To that end, the company provides various seminars, retreats, and online classes related to the Law of Attraction, attracting prosperity and abundance, personal development, developing your own intuition, meditation, and energy healing.

Sabrina's workshops have been called "impactful" and "life changing." To learn more, sign up for the free monthly newsletter at Creating Your Transformation - http://creatingyourtransformation.com

2010年1月5日 星期二

10 Keys To Manifesting Wealth

By Debbie Friedman

Every day in every way we are manifesting the reality of the life that we see around us. Whether we know it or not, whether we like it or not, everything in our life is created by what we think, say, and do.

In the years I have worked with individuals and groups to manifest the life of their dreams with ease, I have come to realize that there are 10 keys that consistently make a difference in successfully and joyfully creating in an effortless flow.

An important foundation to becoming a conscious creator is to recognize that it all begins within you. Your thoughts create your emotions, your emotions lead to the actions you take, and the actions you take effect the results that you see in your life.

Another essential idea is to realize that you do NOT have to do this alone! Our lives are designed to work in harmony, like a symphony, with the powerful creative forces of the Universe that are literally standing by to delight and excite us! As you become clear on what you choose, set your intentions, focus your attention, visualize what you choose as if it has already occurred, expect your desires to be full and fulfilled, express gratitude, and move forward to take the appropriate actions in your life, you are forever free from the habits of worry, doubt, and fear.

When you tap into the power of the Universe to support and assist you in creating the life of your dreams, you almost immediately begin to experience the magic and the miracles of life and living!

Here are 10 keys that will support you in consciously creating the life you love to live:

1. Choose a Higher Power that absolutely and completely LOVES and ADORES you, that always has your best interests at heart, and that wants you to enjoy all the riches of this life.

2. Choose powerfully and positively to create a road map for your success. Create a vivid vision of what you choose to move towards, rather than what you want to move away from. Be definite, clear, and specific.

3. Maintain a prosperity consciousness each and every day. Do not allow thoughts of lack, limitation, or competition to enter into your mind. Allow only the truth that there is limitless abundance in the Universe for everyone, including you!

4. Create and reinforce powerful, positive, supportive beliefs every day in what you think, say, and do.

5. Stay focused on your vision of what you know to be the truth. What you focus on expands. Where you place your attention is where you set your intention.

6. When you choose a financial truth, always state “at least” or “or more”. For example, “I am now earning $10,000 or more each month in passive income.” When you choose a material truth, always say “or better”. For example, “I am now driving my cherry red Mercedes-Benz 500SL with cream-colored interior or better”. Stay open to the limitless abundance of the Universe!

7. Be open to receiving in every area of your life. Expect the gifts, the miracles, and the magic. Expand and open more to joy, love and abundance.

8. Indulge yourself in gratitude for every thing in your life. Every experience, every relationship, every penny in the street is a gift. Acknowledge the gifts and the blessings that are showered on you each and every day.

9. Be generous with yourself and others! What you give is always returned to you multiplied, and this is a confirmation to the Universe that you are ready, willing and able to receive.

10. Be present for the present. When you’re in the past, you’re in guilt and regret. When you’re in the future, you’re in fear. When you’re present in the present, you have the choice to create limitless wealth and abundance.

Make a commitment each day to your great wealth and success, and living a life that is full of rich, wonderful, loving, fun, healthy, abundant experiences!

About the author:
Transformation Expert Debbie Friedman, M.S., C.Ht. is a scientist who has turned her attention from the Study of Nature to the Study Of Our Nature as human beings. An inspiring speaker and author, Debbie’s revolutionary programs on CD and in print include Cleaning Out the Closet of Your Mind and Manifesting Made Easy.

Debbie is the President and CEO of Cleaning Out The Closet Of Your Mind, Inc. She balances her international speaking and training seminars with a private practice in Southern California where she conducts workshops, teleconferences, and seminars. Visit www.CleaningOutTheCloset.com to claim 2 free audios and 7 beginning steps to Living The Life You Love To Live.