2010年8月22日 星期日

Self Esteem Activities - Three Simple Strategies

Are you looking for some simple and effective strategies to build your self esteem? If so, this article will provide some very useful self esteem activities to help you boost your confidence, and experience of peace and happiness.

Just as a muscle requires regular exercise to maintain its strength and flexibility, your positive self esteem brain pathways are strengthened by specific self esteem activities.

Here are three powerful yet simple Self Esteem Activities that focus on:

Awareness - be conscious of your thoughts, feelings and behaviors
Choice - consciously choosing the thoughts you think
Change- altering your thoughts, feelings and actions


Awareness describes a state of consciousness in which you are alert, awake and consciously aware of your thoughts, feelings, words and actions. Since your self esteem is a reflection of what you think and how you feel about yourself, it is necessary to be aware of your thoughts and feelings.

When you notice that your habitual self-talk is judgmental about what you say and do; or critical regarding what you should have said or what you didn’t do, then you are on your way to upgrading the software of your mind – your thoughts and ultimately your experience.

Click Here To Discover A Powerful Technique For Gaining Self Esteem And Attracting Anything You Want!


Choice is the process of making a decision. To consciously choose the thoughts that support your positive self esteem and self confidence you must be aware of both your thoughts and feelings that detract from and support your positive self esteem.

With this awareness you will notice when you are thinking thoughts that undermine your self esteem; as well as be aware of the thoughts that boost your self esteem. A powerful question to consider in order to choose thoughts and feelings that promote your self esteem is:

What are the thoughts and feelings that support positive self esteem and confidence?

Whenever you notice you are being critical and judgmental of yourself you can make the choice to practice the self esteem activities that affirm your positive self esteem by declaring: I Am Confident!


Change is where the rubber meets the road, where you put into practice the choices you have made, transforming your thoughts and feelings about yourself so you embody positive self esteem and confidence.

This does not mean there won't be times when you are confronted with your fears of failure or success, or that you won't occasionally question your ability. What it does mean is that as soon as you notice you are feeling less than or not enough you will:

1. Be awake of your feelings.
2. Identify the thoughts that result in your feelings of low self esteem.
3. Shift your attention to thoughts supporting your ever deepening experience of positive self esteem.

It is important to note that the above self esteem activities should be practiced consistently. In time, they will become second nature to you. Before you notice, your positive self esteem brain pathways have already been strengthened and you have changed to that self confident and self reliant person that you always want to be.

