2010年2月24日 星期三

How To Manifest Your Desires - 2 Simple Exercises To Transform Your Life

Are you looking for methods to manifest your desires?
Are you looking for an easy way to live the life that you desire?

Here are 2 simple, yet powerful exercises that you can add to your daily routine. Continue to practice them everyday, make it a habit, it will transform your life.

Before we talk about what the exercises are, it is crucial to first REALIZE a few things that will set as the foundation for the exercises:

We already possess all that we desire, although we are not aware of it.
To be aware of our true possession, we need to raise our consciousness.
To raise our consciousness is to raise our vibrations.
When we raise our vibrations, we will be brought to all that we desire, or already possess.

So in essence, to manifest your desires is all about rising your vibrations.

How To Raise Your Vibrations?

The following exercises may seem very simple, however, they are extremely powerful because they work at the core level of your consciousness. They deal with the universal TRUTH. The key is to be consistent and practice them everyday.

Exercise 1:
Acknowledge that everything in your life is for your highest good and say it to your Self everyday, as often as possible.

Even if you cannot consciously identify with this, you can make a DECISION that "everything in your life is for your highest good".

Through the power of this decision, and the power of your words, your vibrations will be raised and your life shifted.

By saying this to your Self, and with the help of the Law of Attraction, you will manifest all that you desire easily, because all that you desire already exists within you. The DECISION to acknowledge that merely raises your vibrations and brings your desires into your life.

Exercise 2:
Before sleep every night and after awakening every morning, take 3 deep breaths, and tell your Self 3 times: "I love you unconditionally. I honor who you are and what you are."

You can do this lying in bed, or go to a mirror and look deeply into your eyes and then do the exercise. Choose whatever way you feel comfortable.

Love has the highest vibration. If you love your Self unconditionally, not from the ego, but from the spirit's perspective, you will have raised your vibrations.

This exercise appears to be very simple, however, it will require a lot of courage to practice.

For some people, the ego will convince them that it doesn't work because it is stupid. Normally the more uncomfortable this feels when you first practice it, will indicate how little you love your Self.

On the other hand, the more comfortable this feels, will indicate how much you love your Self.


The key to manifest your desires is to be CONSISTENT. Spend 5 minutes everyday and do these exercises consistently for at least 30 days. If you make this little change in your life, and make it a habit, you will notice that your vibration is rising and your life shifting. As a result, you will automatically manifest all of your desires!

If you are interested in this article, read more about How To Manifest Your Desires here.

